Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I prefer

Letters dipped in affection as opposed to hurriedly sent emails. Tapes as opposed to ipods. Markets as opposed to malls. Greeting cards that are slipped in through the door. Fifty year old photo studios with framed photos of people posing awkwardly. Swinging by a tree hung tyre as opposed to screaming in a roller coaster. The canvas as opposed to the computer screen. Scrapbooks that double up as photo albums as opposed to pale yellow folders on desktops carrying something referred to as ‘pics’. Some change to put in a piggy bank made from powder box scrap as opposed to peanuts transferred directly to the bank account. Affection as opposed to acrimony. Books off the pavement with pages that have gracefully turned yellow as opposed to freshly stacked bestsellers in a newly constructed bookstore. Thinking on the register as opposed to thinking on the computer. Gum as opposed to glue stick. Long white envelopes as opposed to the sort made of handmade paper with rural motifs, found only in pseudo arty shops. Wind blown hair not brushed for eighteen days at a stretch. Playing knots and crosses on the last page of a notebook. Colourful glass bangles. Dark rum. Fountain pen. Cycle. Spectacles as opposed to contact lenses. Thumbs up in a bottle as opposed to Diet Coke in a can. Old jeans. Old Sneakers. Old table lamps. Anything old. Tea as opposed to coffee. Verandahs as opposed to driveways. Wrist watches as opposed to mobile phone clocks. Newspaper as opposed to e news. Spontaneous trips as opposed to appointments in leather planners. Manual as opposed to automatic. Old black and white movies as opposed to black and white movies now coloured. Dried leaves in books as opposed to food bills in books. Park as opposed to the gymnasium.


Fictitioustruth said...

Hi Bhavna,
Someone directed me to your blog. I obviously can't write in an intricate manner as some of the comments left by others but it is a sheer pleasure to read these posts. Love the unfettered way in which you write and the thoughts that you leave the writer to ponder over.
Thank you for the unintentional joy that these posts have given during the mundane course of the day.
FYI: Its raining in bangalore

write_off said...

Now I am jealous!

i think said...

I have never read anything written so delightfully about things so general.