Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Shoelaces will open in the middle of a passionate run.
Ink will run out when thoughts are flowing.
Good ol’ disc will stop playing after a few warnings.
Zipper of the old companion travel bag will get stuck before every journey.
A perfectly timed, heart tuggingly candid moment will not be captured because you put your finger on the lens.
Lights will go off during the climax of a good film.
The hot sun, not heavy rain, will follow the drizzle.
Green bangles will jam around the swell of your hand.
Heady conversations will be interrupted by ill-timed phone calls.
The first matchstick will invariably not light the cigarette.

Relax! Hiccups will happen.


R said...
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P said...
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Altar Ego said...

Thts one helluva comeback...

Musings said...

Bhavna, you are a gifted writer. What stops you from making a comeback & pen your thoughts? In ways more than one, a lot of us seek solace from your excellent capacity to design a thought.
Please write. An earnest request.