Travel and touch every wild flower ever grown
Learn to say ‘no’
Be fit
Learn to read and write in Urdu
Teach children in the mountains
Bungee jump
Stop trying to please everyone
A house atop a very tall building and enjoy the rain hitting against my windows. Own one in the mountains with bougainvilleas for company.
Read as many books and then open a book cum tea hut with those books and some fine tea. Then have long and heady conversations about authors of those books and passages from those books with complete strangers
Go without feeling unhappy or depressed or low for a month at a stretch
Visit the bridges in Iowa
Send mother father on a luxury holiday
Be a professional actor
Enjoy rice without guilt
Taste every brand of beer in the world and read up all the literature available on whiskeys
Write a few books
Write handwritten notes or letters to people I have wronged
Write handwritten letters or notes to people who have wronged me
Write a handwritten letter to my father
Buy my mother a house she always yearned for
Put photographs in order, preferably in a black scrap book and give titles
Learn to pull back
Own the best fragrances in the world
Let go
Resume Hindustani classical classes
Have a massive library at home
Soak in each and every piece, word, anything ever written by Gulzar
Read all the books ever written on magical realism
Figure out how I’m so good at making some of my dearest people uncomfortable just by being around. Change that
Attend a ‘mushaira’
Shoot a documentary on women living in brothels
Do a Delhi to Rishikesh on foot
A cycle ride with someone in the fields
Participate in a marathon every year
Own a telescope
Watch Ijazzat once every month till I die
Raise a child
Do a Greece, Morocco, Venice
Stop searching for happiness outside
Control my anger
Fall irreparably in love with someone, fall like I’ve never been hurt
Accept that mother father will eventually grow old
Find a guru
Read out my favourite passages to the one I will love enough to share them with
Hold hands
Make a film
Be comfortable with the way I look
Stop waiting
Name someone’s child
Say final good byes to a few people
Accept the unrequited
Have stimulating conversations during sunset
Raise plants
Take a guilt free long holiday from work
Get to know mother’s secrets and not judge her
Breed horses
Visit Kashmir
Live in Northeast
Stop making the same mistakes
Recognize patterns
Detox for a month, no drinking, no lying, no escaping, no outside food, no anger, no flirting, no nothing
Make my mentors proud
Settle down mentally and emotionally, not literally and socially
Gift my Dad the best scotch whiskeys in the world
Go fishing
Say no to denial
Say no to defense mechanism
Get another tattoo
Pray for my sisters
Know where to stop
Have zero debt
Keep increasing my collection of coasters, matchboxes, piggy banks
Learn pottery
Learn a craft and then pass it on
Pay attention to directions
Save money
See a past life therapist
Trek more
Seriously work on being a good listener
Remember that distance breeds strength
Stop looking for warmth
Stop making a mess of relationships
Do 'em all well before you're thirty. Thirty to me is that decisive moment when romance dwindles and realism sets in.
hey aries? may i know this is?
and dont worry, i am not the sort to crumble under realism. these will be fulfilled, 30 or no 30. some at 27, some at 32, some at 47, some before and some later.
My mind is full of suspended snowflakes against a quiet, dull grey sky; full of long walks to school to quick lifts back home behind strangers’ scooters thumbed down; of staring at that old, broken down building in the distance at night; of stealing my brother’s candies and of so much more that I am afraid of the future that is just waiting to notch up more memories. I am scared that the new ones will overwrite those of my childhood, maybe make them look trivial and small compared to the ones closer and fresher. I don’t want to go back to looking at snowfall as a new experience, to the road to my school as a hike that I will want to record in a camera. I want to go back and see them as photographs I have always had, as a movie I keep running again and again in my mind, as a friend who’s house I always pass by and only now and then bump into, but knowing he was always there to call whenever I wanted. Does the future hold memories that will change all this?
Read as many books and then open a book cum tea hut with those books and some fine tea. Then have long and heady conversations about authors of those books and passages from those books with complete strangers
I might not be a complete stranger, but count me in. After which you'll come back to the store I'll have :)
you should definately visit the bridges of madison county in Iowa, i saw them and they are way more beautiful than in the movie
FINALLY I now know someone who loves Ijazzat as much as I do
randomly ran into your blog and strangely yet gently got hooked on to it. Amazingly refreshing reads, mystic energy in every post leaving one looking for more.
keep writing.
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