Wednesday, November 21, 2007
But serious winter is still distant. And it surprises me to see people covering themselves with mufflers and shawls and jackets, freshly pulled out from the box bed.
Point is, why must you be so cautious? Why must the fear of catching a chill overpower the experience of cold breeze seeping through your skin, into your blood? The ‘what will happen tomorrow’ is consuming your energy; the ‘what must be felt now’ is taking a beating.
We are perpetually shielding ourselves against all things possible - hurt, love, relationships, failure, you name it. We build unseen walls, stronger the walls of the world put together. We form miles and cities, we create immeasurable distances. The fear of pain takes over the pleasure of experience . Words are measured, not spoken. Situations are weighed, not lived.
Come let’s sack the guards on duty. Let’s make a big hole in the wall. Let's not be shy if once bitten. Let’s drop the inhibitions completely. Let’s not duck with fear.
Winter is not here yet, let's throw away the jersey.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Between five of your closest friends
Between time for self and self-inflicted obligation of taking time for others
Between social and anti-social
Between the discomfort of saying no and the pleasure of saying yes
Between a glass that's half empty and one that's half full
Between morals you have grown up with and the world you have grown up in
Between a voice that says ‘give in to the moment’ and one that screams ‘pull back right now’
Between the ear that responds to a classical note and the head that bangs to hard rock
Between fear and a caustic tongue that gives two hoots
Between keeping a planned distance and then the irrepressible attraction that spills water on the entire effort
Between this side of the wall and the other side of it
Between what you are and what they think
Between heat of the moment and next morning regrets
Between city street lights and greenish black mountain side evenings
Between a quest for the eternal and a lifetime-like short moment
Between love and lust
Between desire and detachment
Between ideal and the real world
Between the good girl and the bad girl
Between home and the nomad life
Between Marquez and Wodehouse
Between a mystery and an open book
Between two parties happening at the same time
Between three people pursuing you at the same time
Between four people talking to you at the same time
Between a few unanswered questions
Between roads that lead to overwhelming discoveries and the ones that lead to your office, from the same route, same time
Between what is and what could have been
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Ink will run out when thoughts are flowing.
Good ol’ disc will stop playing after a few warnings.
Zipper of the old companion travel bag will get stuck before every journey.
A perfectly timed, heart tuggingly candid moment will not be captured because you put your finger on the lens.
Lights will go off during the climax of a good film.
The hot sun, not heavy rain, will follow the drizzle.
Green bangles will jam around the swell of your hand.
Heady conversations will be interrupted by ill-timed phone calls.
The first matchstick will invariably not light the cigarette.
Relax! Hiccups will happen.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Short-term joys
Even in the deepest shade of blue days, there are a few things that bring joy to me. To begin with, the first cup of oversweet tea I often complain about but suffer from withdrawal symptoms when the machine crashes down. I also look forward to receiving mails which in the first go reassure that people remember me. The second thought that I am nothing but a name in the forward message list doesn’t really dampen my spirit. I look forward to plugging my earphones in and listening to something pleasant. In deep contrast to the bickering that otherwise raids my ears. I really look forward to fifteen minutes or so of reading the book I religiously carry to work. To biscuits that come with tea during meetings. I look forward to the moody Delhi weather, and to standing at the huge window overlooking the flyover when it suddenly rains. I look forward to new faces and old friends. And most of all, to writing with my fountain pen.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I prefer
Monday, May 28, 2007
A life of discomfort
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Take pride, because it’s not less than a talent to do things beyond the cocoon of cramped workstations. Go ahead, build a life beyond this life and the rewards will come. One way or the other.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Loosen up.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Looking for you.
Someone came looking for you.
Because you are the signing authority for monthly vouchers. You are a roll number. You meet deadlines. You are seat number twenty-eight. You are the guy to contact if anybody needs to borrow a pen, a pad, a pencil. You are a mobile number in the phone book. You always have cigarettes on you. You are a designation on the visiting card. You are the guy with a good music collection who doesn’t mind sharing. You deliver work. You are the girl who sits in the extreme left corner of the office, just next to the coffee machine. You are the sort who will drop people home. You are the second last name on the appraisal list. You are a back up for work. You are the new joinee. You have the dictionary in your drawer. You have contacts.
When was the last time someone came looking for you, just like that?